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Показано 261-280 из 294 сообщений
34. Henry
(15.08.2003 05:18)
Thank you very very much. The program work fine with my Holux Crd file now.
33. Jan Andrle
(14.08.2003 19:13)
Hello, your program is great. I'm missing some way to load maps with different map datums. Specially I need load maps in Czechoslovakia Pulkovo 1942 datum. Secound comment: in "transparent polygon" mode are "emtpy" polygons hatched. This make difficulty reading of underlying pixel map. Thanx JA
32. Johny
(12.08.2003 12:04)
I have some maps in OziExplorer with custom datum (defined in file datums.dat). Is there a way to convert datum to WGS84 or define custom datums in MapEdit so I could open the map with MapEdit? Otherwise GREAT WORK!!
31. BArtek
(07.08.2003 12:37)
Great job :)! But what about other OS ? Public software should run under GPL and some GNU OS. Do you think about migration to Linux ?
30. Max
(30.07.2003 16:29)
Can't download from http://kgy.narod.ru/util/mapedit/mapedit079b.zip :-(
Looks like a great tool!
29. Franc
(29.07.2003 10:18)
Well done, it's the tool I've been looking for.
Great job
28. Fred
(29.07.2003 05:11)
Great piece of work you guys have going here. The software works better than advertised. Since I find it useful I'd like to donate, any chance you can get a paypal account? Easiest way for me to contribute to help you along.
Thanks again
27. Arjen
(16.07.2003 20:05)
Great work - really !
Running my quad through rough territory, I have noted a few errors in Garmin's data. So, I'd like to correct them with MapEdit. But how do I find out which one of the many, many .img files holds the area that I am interested in ???
26. Steve
(16.07.2003 18:02)
Great job on the Map Edit program! way cool!
One minor suggestion: In Polish Notation, the [File] field, can it be extended to recursively upload all files in a given subdirectory?
For example: [FILE] Name=d:map.txt <-- loads a file dirName=d:maps <-- loads all files in "maps" dirName=d:maps -r <-- loads all files in "maps" + its subdirectories. [END-FILE]
This would allow you to set up a site where multiple people contribute one road in separate files. A master file loads all files in those directories.
25. Искандар
(15.07.2003 21:12)
Константин спасибо за программу и описание на Вашем сайте это самое толковое и лаконичное, что мне удалось увидеть по данной теме. Желаю успехов и реализации Ваших планов.
24. Smoothie
(13.07.2003 05:05)
I have to agree, you're doing a great job! Please keep up the good work! Is there some way we could enable the print feature? I need to be able to export the map data to a vector format, is there some way we could do that?
23. Emre
(11.07.2003 20:17)
You are really doing a great job. I agree with the other people that the end product as an img file is what everybody needs and with the current status of cgpsmapper, it is mostly unsatisfactory . Beside modifying or creating img files, one of my big problems is, originally purchased img files on Garmin data cards without any CD version. Small local distributors are afraid of piracy and not selling the CD's. As a result you miss the convenient way of preparing a route and transferring it to the GPS. I was partially successful with cgpsmapper to make some of the img files visible in Mapsource, but not all. Mapdekode is also having many problems in this aspect. Are you considering to improve in later versions to find a way of exporting the map as an img file ? or exporting to Mapsource including tdb and preview files? Or another quick suggestion, if there are no copyright issues with Garmin, why not having a tool for routes, similar to mapsource, which can be used to prepare, save and export routes to GPS as an mps file.
22. Paul Dufresne
(10.07.2003 00:24)
I love the map edit program. It does a terrific job when converting tracks to map elements. My only problem has been an inability to take the polish file and convert it to an IMG file. cgpsmapper as I have downloaded it doesn't appear to work properly.
Any help on this issue would be appreciated.
21. Александр
(09.07.2003 11:41)
Здравствуйте! Спасибо за программу,Программа очень понравилась. Единственное пожелание, хотелось бы иметь возможность импортировать карты в формате *.sid (снимки со спутников)
20. Андрей Корниенко
(03.07.2003 14:19)
Здравствуйте! Спасибо за программу, приятно иметь дело с программой в которой можно научиться работать интуитивно. У меня вопрос: в "Map Properties" закладка "Levels" значения указанные для "MapSource zoom" (напр. 3-8 км, 8-12км) не совпадают с реально работающими в MapSource ver.5.0.2 beta. Где можно получить более подробную информацию по Levels (на что влияет "Bits", что такое "Lat grid"? С уважением и надеждой на ответ Андрей
19. Van
(03.07.2003 11:20)
Большое спасибо за чудную програму. Только Вы не подскажите, как конвертить MapInfo карты в "Польский формат"? Буду очень благодарен за любой ответ.
18. Jean Luc
(02.07.2003 17:22)
Thank you very much for all this work, and for what it permises to do. My Vista and me are very happy !
17. Jukka Talja
(29.06.2003 23:57)
Hi, on faq file it says that *gif (& *.tiff, *.jpg. *.png) are also supported. I'm not able to open any? What I would like to do is to use those as backgroun dimage and on top o fthose draw my own maps for my emap. Any suggestions? ...and thank you for the one extremely great spiece of software!
16. Giuseppe
(22.06.2003 20:00)
Congratulations on an excellent program!!! Good work!
15. Александр
(19.06.2003 08:49)
Спасибо за возможности, которые предоставляет Ваша программа. Слежу за выходом новых версий. Жду не дождусь, когда можно будет сохранять результат в формате "IMG". Сейчас в цепочке подготовки файлов для GPS к сожалению присутствует несколько производителей. А у меня имеются проблемы при формировании карт. Не знаешь, с кого спросить. А на Вас я возлагаю особые надежды. Мозги, извиняюсь, судя по программе у Вас вроде на месте.