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Показано 161-180 из 294 сообщений
134. Dminrii   (20.12.2004 15:08)
GpsMapedit - Программа в общем неплохая, но хотелось бы что бы можно было отображать не только одно название объекта вв виде подписи но и дополнительную аттрибутивную информацию в видеде всплывающих таблиц

133. Akram   (09.11.2004 21:26)
Great software i''ve been using it for a while now and i think i''ll order a register key, Just one thing is there any way that fills the roads and points names for you or do i have to fill them myself in "edit for find" dialog,i think it would have been easier if you can just populate this list automaticlly

thx again ,well done

132. Dejan   (07.11.2004 12:42)

If you need any support by translations, please let me know.


131. Peter   (07.11.2004 01:42)
Hi, you have created really a great tool. Its very easy to create own maps. But is there any possiblity to open original "locked" Garmin .img files ??

BTW: An improvement would be if we could move more points together when editing a line and not only one.


130. Hendrick Halim   (05.11.2004 09:24)
Excellent program. While drawing a map, is there anything I can do to dim the background map? It will be very helpful if the background can be dimmed so that we can draw the map more easily.
Answer: The background of a map may be deleted.

P.S. Unfortunately, the guest book is very inconvenient tool for technical support. Please contact by email. All OFF-topic messages will be deleted.

129.   (02.11.2004 18:45)
Really, a great application.

I can use your program with a pocket PC


128. сергей   (23.10.2004 14:35)
день добрый подскажите по какой причине GPSmapedit не конвертирует гарминовскую карту в формат алана500 реч идет о карте Латвии которой в комплекте Алана 500 небыло или может быть подскажите где ее взять с уважением Сергей
Answer: Сохранение в формате CRD доступно только при наличии лицензионного ключа

127. lcw   (16.09.2004 08:24)
This is really a greate application. A question, if i would like to develop my own application that can show the map as GPSMapEdit, how can i do that? Do u offer any dll or axtiveX control for development?

Thanks! Again, this is really a fine software!!!
Answer: The source code of GPSMapEdit is open.

126.   (12.09.2004 23:20)
I would interest in the software the day the save as option would be implement in .img file.Let me know if and it would be possible.

125. Kao   (12.09.2004 18:21)
Hi. do you have any plan of support destinator''s format?
Answer: I have no such plans.

124. Gert   (10.09.2004 19:56)
Really, a GREAT product.

A suggestion: wouldn''t it be nice if it''s also possible to calculate a route in it?

Question 1: where can I find all the information about the mapsource format? (IMG and TDB)

Question 2: is there a software tool that can calculate routes based on mapsource maps?

Greetings from Belgium,



123. Chad Stovell   (03.09.2004 01:03)
Excellent program. Impressive tool for mapping. I created a map of my entire ranch in New Mexico from scratch. Thank you. I have one question - has this been tested with the new color Garmin units (60CS, 76CS). I don''t want to scramble my new color unit. Thanks.
Answer: The question is to cgpsmapper.exe which generates IMG files. GPSMapEdit does not save IMG directly.

122. Ragnar   (02.09.2004 02:02)
If i purchase the product, in how many computers can i install it???
Answer: "License Key may be activated on EACH computer where the software is to be used." (http://www.geopainting.com/en/order.html)

121. John   (01.09.2004 17:05)
This product is excellent. I use it for personal use, to design map(s) for Thessaloniki - Greece, which are still not available commercially. No serious flaws - bugs found. I strongly recommend it. Maybe a new version that can help autorouting, will be a dream come true.

120. DenKZ   (20.08.2004 16:19)
Программа мне очень понравилась, но в ней, по моему не хватает некоторых функций:
1. Возможность Split & Join полилиний.
(отрисовали дорогу, а с некой точки меняется статус: асфальт - грунтовка)
2. Возможность вставлять или удалять точки на полилинии.
(при стыковке Т - образный перекресток или пересечении двух дорог желательно поставить точку, руками делать тяжеловато)
Answer: Все эти функции, за исключением слияния полилиний, в программе уже имеются.

Пожалуйста, задавайте технические вопросы по электронной почте. Это всего лишь гостевая книга, большая просьба использовать ее по прямому назначению.

119. DeNik   (02.08.2004 14:02)
Программа очень хорошая! Есть предложение по ускорению и повышению удобства работы: к примеру сделать возможность перетаскивания карты при создании объектов (и не только) нажатием пробела или средней кнопки мыши, а также как в большинстве современных кадовских программ зацепить изменение масштаба на колесо мышки.

118. Serge   (28.07.2004 08:14)
Great! Any plans for BlueChart support?
Answer: Unfortunately BlueChart format is still not researched.

117. David   (11.07.2004 14:28)
Just been looking at your new version.

It would be very helpful if there was a clear list if what features are available in the registered version. I can see a few from searching around the History page, but a full list would make life easier.

116. Bijesh Bania   (08.07.2004 16:26)
Dear Sir,

We would like to purchase license key for Map Edit by paying you by Bank Check as we cannot pay by Credit Card. Please advise if this is acceptable to you. I look forward to get your complete address. Thank you.
Answer: License Key for GPSMapEdit may be purchased using ShareIt.com service which accepts Bank Checks.

115.   (06.07.2004 17:45)
Great programme.

How do i export to Garmin PCX5 (.grm) v2.06 format please

